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Blues Fest Countdown

About the Marquette Area Blues Society

The Marquette Area Blues Society (MABS) was born July 4, 2003 during the annual fireworks display in Marquette at the Lower Harbor Park. Founding members Terry Klavitter, April Lindala and Walt Lindala always enjoyed the sights and sounds of what Marquette had to offer, but they continually asked – “Why doesn’t this town have a blues festival?”

Marquette’s residents love music and they love a good time – it just made sense.

But how to get started? The trio put an announcement in the local papers and soon a meeting was held. The first society meeting took place July 23rd, 2003 at the Peter White Library in Marquette. Since that first meeting, interest has multiplied. MABS has nearly 120 paid members and several other people who volunteer for the society.

Interest has continued to grow and we are now a full-fledged 501c3 registered non-profit agency that produces an annual blues festival in downtown Marquette, generates regular newsletters for members and sponsors, hosts a monthly educational blues series in collaboration with the Peter White Public Library in Marquette and routinely brings in nationally touring blues acts for special performances.

Our mission is to promote the appreciation of blues music & culture in the Upper Peninsula. 

Consider signing up for a membership. Help us increase the awareness & appreciation of the blues in our community!  Help us with the premiere blues festival in the Upper Midwest. We are a proud member of the BLUES FOUNDATION.  Thank you for your support.